2017 Commencement Day Reception-Dinner
Harvard and Radcliffe Classes of 1959, 1960 and 1961
5pm Thursday May 25, 2017 - Cambridge Boat Club
THE EVENT: Harvard & Radcliffe Classes of 1959, 1960 and 1961 members and their significant others will be gathering on Commencement Day (Thursday, May 25) at the Harvard Alumni Association (HAA) Tree Spread luncheon, afternoon HAA Annual Meeting, and then a joint three-class evening reception and dinner at the Cambridge Boat Club, 2 Gerrys Landing Road, Cambridge, MA 02138 (next to the Eliot Bridge, opposite Buckingham Brown and Nichols High School).
THE HISTORY: Following their gala 55th reunion in 2015, the Harvard and Radcliffe Classes of 1960 wizards decided that waiting five years for their next reunion was a silly idea. So they booked the Cambridge Boat Club for the evening of Commencement Day to celebrate their 56th, and invited the Harvard and Radcliffe Classes of 1959 to come celebrate our 57th with them. The classes of ’59 and ’60 enjoyed last year’s CBC event enormously and are pleased to continue the "new tradition" this year for our respective 58th and 57th and to welcome the Class of 1961 to join us for their 56th. Confused? Just come - we will explain.
THE DETAILS: HAA has mailed invitations to the Tree Spread (free!) luncheon and (free admission) afternoon Annual Meeting. Members of HR'59, ’60 and ’61 in New England/NY-NJ with email addresses on file at HAA have also received a separate email notice for the Reception/Dinner at the Cambridge Boat Club. But through the wonders of modern electronics, the whole worldwide Harvard and Radcliffe Classes of 1959 can access THIS announcement!
- Tickets for our Commencement Reception/Dinner at the Cambridge Boat Club are $75.00 per person including wine and beer.
- Payment can be made on line (click here) or by check made out to Harvard University with "Classes of 1959/60/61 Commencement Dinner" on the memo line along with the names and class years - if applicable - of all guests and mailed to:
Harvard Alumni Association
Attn: Classes of 1959/60/61 Commencement Dinner
124 Mount Auburn Street, 6th floor
Cambridge, MA 02138
- Space is limited so reservations will be first-come-first-served and must be received by Thursday, May 11.
- Because food must be pre-ordered, no walk-ins or pay-at-the-door folks can be accommodated at the CBC.
- CBC parking space is minimal, so ideally plan to take a taxi or stroll the pleasant mile down Mount Auburn Street or along Memorial Drive from Harvard Square.
QUESTIONS: contact:
- H'59 Class Activities Chair Fritz Donovan fedlaw222@gmail.com 857-222-9222
- R'59 Class Secretary Stephanie Martin smartin59@comcast.net 617-477-9113